E-mail: shuang@gxu.edu.cn
2005-2012年7月留学法国和美国,2012年8月起在伟德BETVLCTOR体育工作,具有多年从事植物与微生物互作研究工作的经验,尤其是对水稻与稻黄单胞菌互作研究具有扎实的理论基础及丰富的科研经验。迄今为止在Nucl. Acids Res、Plant Cell、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 、Molecular Plant、Plant Journal 等杂志发表SCI及中文核心期刊论文近30篇。发表论文被引总数已达1200多次。
3.国家科技部973项目子课题, 2015CB150601,新型细菌群体感应通讯系统的发掘及生物学功能,2015/01-2019/08,参与
1. 水稻与稻黄单胞菌互作分子机理
2. 水稻细菌性病害防控技术研究与开发
3. 作物基因编辑
1.Huang, S., Antony, G., Li, T., Liu, B., Obasa, K.,Yang, B., &White, F. F. (2016). The broadly effective recessive resistance gene xa5 of rice is a virulence effector‐dependent quantitative trait for bacterial blight.The Plant Journal. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13164
2. Li T, Huang S(co-first author), Zhao X, Wright DA, Carpenter S, Spalding MH, Weeks DP, Yang B. Modularly-assembled designer TAL effector nucleases for targeted gene knockout and gene replacement in eukaryotes.Nucl. Acids Res.2011, 39 (14):6315-6325.
3. Li T, Huang S (co-first author),Jiang WZ, Wright D, Spalding MH, Weeks DP, Yang B. TAL nucleases (TALNs): hybrid proteins composed of TAL effectors and FokI DNA-cleavage domain.Nucleic Acids Research,2011, 39(1)359-372, (Featured Articles).
4. Antony G, Zhou J, Huang S, Li T, Liu B, White F, Yang B. Rice xa13 Recessive Resistance to Bacterial Blight Is Defeated by Induction of the Disease Susceptibility Gene Os-11N3. Plant Cell , 2010, 22 (11):3864-3876.
5. Luisa Laureti*, Lijiang Song* , Sheng Huang , Christophe Corre , Pierre Leblond , Gregory Challis ,Bertrand Aigle. Identification of a bioactive 51-membered macrolide complex by activation of a silent polyketide synthase in Streptomyces ambofaciensPNAS, 2011, 108(15):6258-636.
6. Aigle B, Bunet R, Corre C, Garenaux A, Hotel L, Huang Sheng, Laureti L, Lautru S, Mendes V, Nezbedová S, Nguyen H.C, Song L, Weiser J, Challis G., Leblond P and Pernodet J-L. Genome-guided exploration of Streptomyces ambofaciens secondary Metabolism. In: Streptomyces : molecular biology and biotechnology. Caister Academic, [Wymondham], pp. 179-194. ISBN 9781904455776 .
7. Jixian Zhai, Yuanyuan Zhao, Stacey A. Simon, Sheng Huang, Katherine Petsch, Siwaret Arikit, Manoj Pillay, Lijuan Ji, Meng Xie, Xiaofeng Cao, Bin Yu, Marja Timmermans, Bing Yang, Xuemei Chen, andBlake C. Meyers. Plant MicroRNAs Display Differential 3′ Truncation and Tailing Modifications That Are ARGONAUTE1 Dependent and Conserved Across Species.Plant Cell, 2013, 25(7):2417-2428.
8. Li T, Huang S, Zhou J,Yang B. Designer TAL effectors induce disease susceptibility and resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice.Molecular Plant, 2013, 6(3):781-789.
9. Zhou J, Peng Z, Long J, Sosso D, Liu B, Eom JS, Huang S, Liu S, Vera Cruz C, Frommer WB,White FF, Yang B.Gene targeting by the TAL effector PthXo2 reveals cryptic resistance gene for bacterial blight of rice.Plant Journal, 2015, 82(4):632–643.